Thursday, September 5, 2013

Adventure of the Heart

I made my way into the beleaguered city
where existed numerous human voids
a lot of men who had fallen from grace
and women who did not have a life of choice

The Queen was concerned about them
as their destiny was my concern too
I could have given them weapons of emancipation
and allowed them to independently pursue their liberation
But what happens when there's such a large gap
between the aspirations and the desires of this worldly trap
which bounds your conscience with the withering materialism
and clutches life's poetry in its innate skepticism

I rode hard through the woods
Through the dark forests of wilderness, as swiftly as I could
into the world of the human folk again
to be their destiny's catalyst and take them away from the path uncertain

There were murderers and there were ferocious carnivores
and there were beasts feral, killing as a matter of course
but each moment I felt I was in trouble,
I looked up and saw the face of Queen among the rubble 

She had enlightened my journey with her delight
in the trust of her conscience fountain-ed my muscles might
I had to return, alive, even if death of my body it was
I had to finish my task, if even my approach was not filled with applause

It was the journey in which the victory was all mine
I just had to live these few moments which were filled with slime
and then I could go back and find solace in her company
the voyage of the soul was in some way becoming my journey

From her to this world and then back to her it goes
her inner strength protects her from the thorns of this temporary abode
and yet, one feels, so aloof and so dead
if he does not do her task and gives up to this prison instead

I was alive and I was fortunate to have her by my side
and to live in her enlightened shelter as my being prepared for the stride
she was with me, as concretely as one can seek
What is the worth of the air, if it's not the air that my Queen breathes

I took my stance as I approached the battlefield
My righteousness was my weapon and her belief was my shield
The enemy was large, and it looked at me with big ferocious eyes
Inciting in me the fears of defeat, even if I seemingly had victory on my side

I followed not the course travelled by fellows of the past
Those who had defeated torpor as they had set themselves to task
and proclaimed this land as belonging to the most enlightened beings
Neither fear, nor violence, nor did desire lead to their aspiration's decease

And I shall fight like the king of the earth
whose existence is accustomed to the pains from birth
and however there was a gentle accord in the nobility of his action
one that separates conscious effort from reaction

I could be beautiful even as I slay,
The might of the demons that lead the world astray
and revel in the glory of the shadowy night
still rise like the sun after winning this gory fight

I killed one after another, those beasts that blocked my straddle
and got hurt, wounded, aggrieved in this stranded gloom
but not once did I look back towards my past
Not once did I actually feel that there's an impending doom

And yet clearer did I see the Queen,
as my eyes lost their worldly sheen
I looked at the world with oculus of my soul
her fragrance was alive there, my wounds it did console

The more I got hurt, the more I defeated the foe with my smile
The little stings of the fate, appeared far, a few hundred mile
As if, it was not this body that was me,
I was above it and its throbs were bound to flee

I realized who I was, as the trumpets of the battles blew past
There were pain, there were cries and there were sights 
which left me aghast
and even when the noise was at its peak,
I was lost in love, and it was her glimpse that I did seek

It's only when you lose your valued possession to the obtuse
That you remember the one that loved you when you were destitute
as I was scraping through the thorns in this battle of peril
that I remembered what I was when my outer being was sterile

But It's not that I lost her sight, when I was still sharpening my steel
but her presence I did not feel, so strongly that the world would conceal
in the vesture of her being, in the light of her dawn
in the canopy of her veil my blindfolds were drawn

And that is why she sent me, in this expanse of serendipity
My poems were my life, but only then did I get life's true conformity
when the blood oozed out of my body, and caressed the earth
made me dive beneath its layers of slime and the dirt

I worked through my soul, when I was lost in battles of right
with those of benign might and whose parallel were out of sight
I was entrusted with her love and her luminosity as my glove
To aid the ailment of those, whose cure wasn't love

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